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Innovation Kit

Innovation Kit

Entrepreneurs must constantly refine and develop their ideas and product and through these tools, you will get a chance to develop them and innovate.


SCAMPER method

SCAMPER is a method you can use to ignite your creativity and help you overcome any challenge you may be facing in your business. SCAMPER is based on the assumption that everything new is a modification of something that already exists. It uses a list of probing questions to help you reach to the creative within. SCAMPER was created by Robert Eberle in the early 70s, based on an initial list from brainstorming originator Alex Osborn. And is still used till now.

Each letter in the acronym represents a different way you can alter the way you see your challenges and trigger new ideas:

●      S = Substitute

●      C = Combine

●      A = Adapt

●      M = Magnify

●      P = Put to Other Uses

●      E = Eliminate (or Minify)

●      R = Rearrange (or Reverse)

The four lenses of innovation

This is a strong tool to power your creative thinking. It gives you the ability to find and explore fresh perspectives. It was popularized by Rowan Gibson, the world-renowned innovation expert and thought leader, in his book: The four lenses of innovation. It looks inside the human mind and recognizes how it actually generates new ideas.


ERRC grid - Blue Ocean strategy

Blue Ocean strategy was developed by two business school professors: W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne. It helps companies fight competition by NOT fighting the competition and creating new markets instead, thereby making the competition irrelevant.
The name comes from a metaphor picturing competitors as sharks circling in a sea, competing and fighting over food – creating a swirling ‘red ocean’.

The strategy includes a variety of analytic tools and frameworks to help you distance yourself from this red ocean of competitors and create a “blue ocean” of undisturbed market space where it is possible to operate without competition.
Among those tools, we will be focusing on the ERRC grid.

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